Dr. Elías Figueroa Villalobos
(Investigador Principal)
Títulos y Grados Académicos
- Doctor en Ciencias Mención Biología Celular y Molecular Aplicada. 2017. Universidad de la Frontera. Chile.
- Doctor en Tecnología Bioquímica-Farmacéutica. 2017. Universidad de Sao Paulo. Brasil.
- Magister en Ciencias Mención Biología Celular y Molecular Aplicada. 2014. Universidad de la Frontera. Chile.
- Magister en Ciencias Mención Biología de la Reproducción. 2010. Universidad de la Frontera. Chile.
- Profesor de Ciencias Naturales y Biología. 2005. Universidad Católica de Temuco. Chile.
[accordion] [accordion_group title=»Líneas de Investigación» ]
- Criopreservación celular.
- Ultraestructura celular y dinámica mitocondrial.
- Estrés oxidativo y actividad enzimática antioxidante.
- Biología celular y molecular aplicada a la reproducción.
Pérez-Atehortúa, M., Hernández, A. J., Dantagnan, P., Silva, M., Risopatrón, J., Farías, J., E. Figueroa* & Valdebenito, I. (2023). Chorion in fish: Synthesis, functions and factors associated with its malformations. Aquaculture Reports, 30, 101590. (IF: 3.7; Q1).
Merino, O., Risopatrón, J., Valdebenito, I., Figueroa, E., Farías, J. G. (2023). Effect of the temperature of activation medium on fish sperm quality: Impact on fertilization in vitro in aquaculture practice. Reviews in Aquaculture, 15(2), 434-451. (IF: 10.4; Q1).
Villasante, A., Ramírez, C., Figueroa Villalobos, E., Pereira, W. A., Powell, M. S., Gatlin III, D. M., Romero, J. (2023). Creatine in Sustainable Fish Aquaculture. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 1-32. (IF: 11.5; Q1).
Pérez-Atehortúa, M., Short, SE., Aranzaez-Rios, C., Farías, F., Risopatrón, J., Pinheiro S. Oliveira, R., Pereira, W., Valdebenito, I., Figueroa Villalobos, E* (2023) Preparation and extraction of chorion proteins from Salmo salar embryos at the pigmented eye stage for electrophoresis with SDS-polyacrylamide gel. Methodsx https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4568266 (IF: 1.9; Q2).
Figueroa, E., Merino, O., Pérez-Atehortúa, M., Niedmann, P., Avila, S., Farías, F., Risopatrón, J., Pinheiro S. Oliveira, R., Pereira, W., Valdebenito, I., Villasante, A., Romero, J (2023) Spermatozoa physiology of the cryopreserved yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) milt» Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries (In Review) (IF: 6.2; Q1).
Merino, O., Figueroa, E., Valdebenito, I., Risopatrón, J. Farías J. (2023) Change in the swimming pattern of Salmo salar spermatozoa caused by high temperature of the sperm motility activation medium. Theriogenology (In Review) (IF: 2.8; Q1)
S., Short, Zamorano, M., Aranzaez-Rios, C., Lee-Estevez, M., Diaz, R., Quinones J., Ulloa-Rodríguez P., Figueroa E., Bravo L., A, Graether S. P., Farías JG., (2023) Novel apoplastic antifreeze proteins of Deschampsia antarctica as enhancer of common cell freezing media for cryobanking of genetic resources. Journal of Experimental Botany (In Review) (IF: 6.9; Q1) .
Pereira W, Piazentin, Anna C.M., Da Silva, Thamires M.S., Mendonça, Carlos M.N., Figueroa Villalobos, Elías, Converti, A., Pinheiro de Souza Oliveira, R.,* (2023) Alternative Fermented Soy-Based Beverage: Impact of Inulin on the Growth of Probiotic Strains and Starter Culture. Fermentation (In Review). (IF: 3.7; Q2) .
Pérez-Atehortúa, M., Hernández, A. J., Risopatrón, J., Farías, J., Figueroa, E., Valdebenito, I. Effect of diet composition on maturation rate of female Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) during gonadal recrudescence. Aquaculture (In Review) (IF: 4.5; Q1).
[/accordion_group] [accordion_group title=»Publicaciones ISI» ]Merino, O., Risopatrón, J., Sánchez, R., Isachenko, E., Figueroa, E., Valdebenito, I., Isachenko, V., (2011). Fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss) spermatozoa cryoprotectant-free vitrification: Stability of mitochondrion as criterion of effectiveness. Animal Reproduction Science 124, 125-131.
Merino O, Sánchez R, Risopatrón J, Isachenko E, Katkov II, Figueroa E, Valdebenito I, Mallmann P, Isachenko V., (2012). Cryoprotectant-free vitrification of fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss) spermatozoa: first report. Andrologia 44, 390-395.
Effer. B., Sánchez, R., Ubilla, A., Figueroa E., Valdebenito, Isler. I., (2013). Study of the first blastomeres in Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Zygote 20, 327-331.
Effer, B., Figueroa, E., Augsburger A., Valdebenito I. (2013). Sperm Biology of Merluccius australis: Sperm structure, semen characteristics and effects of pH, temperature and osmolality on sperm motility. Aquaculture 408-409, 147-151.
Figueroa, E., Risopatrón, J., Sánchez, R., Isachenko. E., Merino, O., Valdebenito, I., Isachenko, V., (2013). Sperm vitrification of sex-reversed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Effect of seminal plasma on physiological parameters. Aquaculture 372-375, 119-125.
Effer. B., Sánchez, R., Ubilla, A., Figueroa E., Valdebenito, Isler. I., (2014). Morphometric Characterization of First Blastomeres in Salmo salar. Zygote 22, 470-475.
Trigo, P; Merino, O; Figueroa, E; Valdebenito, Ivan; Sánchez, Raul; Risopatron, Jennie. (2015). Effect of short-term semen storage in salmon (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on sperm functional parameters evaluated by flow cytometry. Andrologia 47, 407-411.
Andrea Ubilla, Darci Fornari, Elías Figueroa, Brian Effer, Iván Valdebenito. (2015). Short-term cold storage of the semen of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) incorporating DMSO in the sperm diluent. Effects on motility and fertilizing capacity. Aquaculture Research 46, 37-44.
Calaf G, Zepeda A, Castillo R, Figueroa C., Arias C, Figueroa E, Farías J, (2015). Molecular aspects of breast cancer resistance to drugs (Review). International Journal of Oncology, 47(2):437-445.
Castillo R, Zepeda A, Short S, Figueroa E, Bustos-Obregón E, Farias J.G, (2015). Protective effects of polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation against testicular damage induced by intermittent hypobaric hypoxia in rats. Journal of Biomedical Science,22 : 8.
Figueroa E, Merino O, Risopatrón J, Isachenko, V., Sánchez, R., Isachenko, E., Effer, B., Farias J.G., Valdebenito, I. (2015). Effect of seminal plasma on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) sperm vitrification Theriogenology 83, 238–245.e2.
Lee-Estevez M, Figueroa E, Cosson J, Short S, Valdebenito I, Farias J. (2016). Zebrafish as a useful model for immunologic research with potential applications in aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture in Press, 1–11. DOI: 10.1111/raq.12156.
Magnotti C, Cerqueira V, Lee-Estevez M, Farias J.G, Valdebenito I, Figueroa E. (2016). Cryopreservation and vitrification of fish semen: a review with special emphasis on marine species. Reviews in Aquaculture, 1-11; DOI: 10.1111/raq.12145.
Figueroa E, Valdebenito I, Farias J.G. (2016). Technologies used in the study of sperm function in cryopreserved fish spermatozoaAquaculture Research, 47, 1691–1705.
Figueroa E, Valdebenito I, Ubilla A, Merino O, Risopatrón J, Farias J. (2016) Sperm cryopreservation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Effects on sperm physiology. Journal of Fish Biology 89, 1537–1550.
Farías, J. G., Molina, V. M., Carrasco, R. A., Zepeda, A. B., Figueroa, E., Letelier, P., Castillo, R. L. (2017). Antioxidant Therapeutic Strategies for Cardiovascular Conditions Associated with Oxidative Stress. Nutrients, 9(9), 966.
Farías JG, Zepeda A, Castillo R, Figueroa E, Ademoyero OT, Pulgar VM. (2017). Chronic hypobaric hypoxia diminishes the expression of base excision repair OGG1 enzymes in spermatozoa, Andrologia, 1-2. DOI: 10.1111/and.1287.
Risopatrón J, Merino O, Cheuquemán C, Figueroa E, Sánchez R, Farías J. G, Valdebenito I. (2017) Effect of the age of broodstock males on sperm function during cold storage in the trout. Andrologia, 1-4; DOI: 10.1111/and.12857.
Merino O, Figueroa E, Cheuqueman C, Valdebenito I, Farias J, Isachenko V, Isachenko E, Sanchez R, Risopatron J. (2017). Short-term storage of salmonids semen in a sodium alginate-based extender. Andrologia 49(5). DOI: 10.1111/and.12661.
Contreras, P, Ulloa, P, Merino, O, Valdebenito, I, Figueroa, E, Farías, J, & Risopatrón, J (2017). Effect of short-term storage on sperm function in Patagonian blenny (Eleginops maclovinus) sperm. Aquaculture 481, 58–63.
Dumorné K, Figueroa E, Cosson J, Lee-Estevez M, Ulloa P, Valdebenito I, Farias JG. (2017) Protein phosphorylation and ions effects on salmonid sperm motility activation. Reviews in Aquaculture, 1–11. DOI:10.1111/raq.12198
Valdebenito I, Cosson J, Contreras P, Sánchez J, Risopatrón J, Farias J, Figueroa E. (2017). Spermatological research of experimentally farmed patagonian blenny (Eleginops maclovinus) (Perciformes: Eleginopsidae) in Chile. Aquaculture Research, 48, 4197–4204.
Ulloa P, Figueroa E, Díaz R, Lee M, Short S, Farias JG. (2017). Mitochondria in Teleost Spermatozoa. Mitochondrion 34, 49–55.
Figueroa E, Valdebenito I, Zepeda AB, Figueroa CA, Dumorne K, Castillo RL, Farias JG. (2017). Effects of cryopreservation on mitochondria of fish spermatozoa. Reviews in Aquaculture 9, 76–87.
Figueroa, E., Sandoval L. Merino O. Farías J. Risopatrón J, Valdebenito I. (2020). Standard and innovative reproductive Publishing Co Inc. 301 biotechnologies for the development of finfish farming. In: Reproductive Technologies in Animals. Elsevier Science -327. San Diego, United States. Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc. ISBN13:9780128171073
S. Da Silva Sabo, E. Figueroa Villalobos, A. Carolina Meireles Piazentin, A. Moreni Lopes, R. Pinheiro de Souza Oliveira (2020). Impact of Probiotics on Animal Health. In: Lactid Acid Bacteria: A Functional Approach.editorial CRC Press 261- 290. New York, United States. CRC Press, ISBN 9781138391635.
Sandoval-Vargas, L., Figueroa Villalobos, E., Contreras, P., Estay, F., & Valdebenito Isler, I. (2020). Effect of different calcium concentration on sperm motility and fertilisation capacity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Applied Ichthyology. DOI: 10.1111/jai.14116 Q4, IF: 0.614
Figueroa, E., Lee-Estévez, M., Valdebenito, I., Farías, J. G., & Romero, J. (2020). Potential biomarkers of DNA quality in cryopreserved fish sperm: impact on gene expression and embryonic development. Reviews in Aquaculture, 12(1), 382-391 Q1, IF: 7.772
Lissabet, J. F. B., Belén, L. H., Lee-Estevez, M., Risopatrón, J., Valdebenito, I., Figueroa, E., & Farías, J. G. (2020). The CatSper channel is present and plays a key role in sperm motility of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 241, 110634. Q1, IF: 1.996
Bravo, W., Dumorné, K., Lissabet, J. B., Jara-Seguel, P., Romero, J., Farías, J. G., & Figueroa, E. (2020). Effects of selection by the Percoll density gradient method on motility, mitochondrial membrane potential and fertility in a subpopulation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) testicular spermatozoa. Animal Reproduction Science, 106344. Q2, IF: 1.660
Contreras, P., Dumorné, K., Ulloa-Rodríguez, P., Merino, O., Figueroa, E., Farías, J. G., & Risopatrón, J. (2020). Effects of short-term storage on sperm function in fish semen: a review. Reviews in Aquaculture, 12(3), 1373-1389. Q1, IF: 7.772
Merino, O., Dumorné, K., Leidy, S. V., Figueroa, E., Valdebenito, I., Farías, J. G., & Risopatrón, J. (2020). Short-term b storage sperm of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) at 4° C: Effect of sperm: Extender dilution ratios and antioxidant utyl-hydroxytoluene (BHT) on sperm function. Cryobiology, 95, 44-50. Q2, IF: 2.287
Beltrán, J. F., Belén, L. H., Lee-Estevez, M., Figueroa, E., Dumorné, K., & Farias, J. G. (2020). The voltage-gated T-type Ca+2 channel is key to the sperm motility of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 46, 1825–1831. Q2, IF: 2.249
Sandoval-Vargas, L., Silva Jiménez, M., Risopatron Gonzalez, J., Figueroa, E., Cabrita, E., & Valdebenito Isler, I. (2021). Oxidative stress and use of antioxidants in fish semen cryopreservation. Reviews in Aquaculture, 13(1), 365-387. Q1, IF: 7.772
Sandoval-Vargas, L., Dumorné, K., Contreras, P., Farías, J. G., Figueroa, E., Risopatrón, J., & Valdebenito, I. (2021). Cryopreservation of coho salmon sperm (Oncorhynchus kisutch): Effect on sperm function, oxidative stress and fertilizing capacity. Aquaculture, 736151. Q1, IF: 3.224
[/accordion_group] [accordion_group title=»Pasantías de investigación» ]2015-2017. Laboratorio de Biomoléculas Microbianas, Departamento de Tecnología Bioquímico-Farmacêutica, Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, Brasil
2016. Programa De Pós-Graduacao Em Aquicultura. Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina. Brasil.
2012. Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, South Bohemian Research Center of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses, Vodnany 389 25, Czech Republic.
2012. CIHEAM and CISC, Institute of Aquaculture of Torres de la Sal, Castellón, España.
[/accordion_group] [accordion_group title=»Proyectos» ]2023-2026. Study of the nutritional relationship of broodstock in the tolerance to cryopreservation, ultrastructural, physiology and molecular aspects in atlantic salmon spermatozoa (Salmo salar) to establish control and traceability of embryonic development. FONDECYT INICIACIÓN Nº1211246.
2021-2024. Proyecto: Study of the relation of the nutrition of breeders with the incidence of malformations, ultrastructural and molecular changes of the chorion in embryos of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). FONDECYT REGULAR No 1211246.
2023-2024. «Evaluación de la capacidad reproductiva de salmones de cultivo (Salar y Coho) y su potencial asilvestramiento en áreas consideradas de alto riesgo en el sur de Chile”. INTESAL (Instituto Tecnológico del Salmón) .
2021-2023. Proyecto: Effect of a global warming scenario on the reproduction of fishes of aquaculture interest. CLIMATAmSud (ANID) Nº CLI2020005.
2019-2026. Proyecto: Bioprospecting of bacteriocin- producing bacteria: From culture optimization to the application in animal production systems. FAPESP Nº 2018/25511-1 (Brasil).
2018-2021. Estudio de la calidad del ADN y expresión génica en espermatozoides criopreservados de salmón del Atlántico (Salmo salar) y seriola (Seriola lalandi) para establecer un control y trazabilidad del desarrollo embrionaria. FONDECYT POSTDOCTORADO Nº3180765. Investigador responsable.
2018-202. Study of the Flagellar Dynamic in the Spermatozoa of Fish to improve reproductive efficiency in Chilean Aquaculture. FONDECYT REGULAR Nº1180387. Co-investigador.
2019-2024. Bioprospecting of bacteriocin-producing bacteria: from culture optimization to the application in animal production systems. Investigador Asociado.
2019-2021, Bioensayos de criopreservació n de semen de salmó n coho (Oncorhynchus kistch) utilizando un sistema «in situ”. Proyecto interno de investigación de la Vicerrectoria de Investigación y Posgrado. VIP 4136-2018. Co-investigador
2015-2017. Study of the Mitochondrial Dynamics in the Spermatozoa of Fish for the Optimization of Reproduction in Chilean Aquaculture. FONDECYT 1151315. (Tesista Doctoral).
2012-2015. Optimización del manejo artificial del la reproducción de salmónidos utilizando la criobiología como herramienta biotecnológica. FONDEF D10I1064. (Investigador).
2012-2014. Estudio del envejecimiento de gametos en especies salmonídeos. FONDECYT 1120705 (Co-investigador).
2009-2011. BIOREPRO: Criopreservación genética y manejo de reproductores de la industria del salmón. INNOVACHILECORFO 2010-7754-INNOVA_PRODUCCION2010-7754. (Director del proyecto)
2008- 2011. Mejoramiento de la productividad de la salmonicultura chilena a través de la aplicación de biotecnología en el manejo de gametos y la capacitación en manejos reproductivos de profesionales y trabajadores. FONDEF DO6I1020. (Co-investigador).
[/accordion_group] [accordion_group title=»Participación en eventos científicos» ]2023 Pereira, W., Avila, A., Suazo, C., Pérez-Atehortúa, M., Valdebenito, I., Mendonça, C., Dantagnan, H., Hernández, A., Farías, J., Pinheiro, R., Figueroa, E. Novel probiotic strain has proven to be effective in stimulating growth and improving developmental parameters in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), has been selected for poster presentation at Cell Bio 2023 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) in Boston, MA from December 2-6.
2020. Figueroa E, Wilson R, Herrera L, Sandoval L, Risopatrón J, Valdebenito I, Farias J.G, Romero J. Effect of cryopreservation on DNA integrity in Seriola lalandi sperm (Efecto de la criopreservación en la integridad del ADN en espermatozoides de Seriola lalandi). XXXI Reunión Anual Virtual Sociedad Chilena de Reproducción y Desarrollo, 2 y 3 de Octubre. Presentación Oral.
2020. Figueroa E, Wilson R, Herrera L, Alvarado C, Sandoval L, Risopatrón J, Valdebenito I, Farias J.G, Romero J. Efecto de la criopreservación en la integridad del ADN en espermatozoides de salmón del Atlántico. Simposio “Enfoque actual de la Biologı́a Reproductiva y del Desarrollo en peces: de la investigació n a la aplicació n” LXIII Reunió n Anual Sociedad de Biologı́a de Chile, 25 y 27 de Noviembre. Presentación Oral
2020. Sandoval L, Figueroa E, Risopatrón J, Farias J.G & Valdebenito I, Cryopreservation of coho salmon semen (Oncorhynchus kisutch): effects on sperm functions and fertility. XXXI Reunión Anual Virtual Sociedad Chilena de Reproducción y Desarrollo, 2 y 3 de Octubre. Presentación Oral
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