Publicaciones 2021
G., Curaqueo, A., Roldán, A., Mutis, M., Panichini, M., A., Pérez-San Martín, S., Meier, R., Mella. 2021. Effects of biochar amendment on wheat production, mycorrhizal status, soil microbial community, and properties of an Andisol in Southern Chile. Field Crops Research 273 (1) 108306.
Gonzalez-Villagra, J., Aravena-Ibañez, K., Curaqueo-Fuentes, G., Inostroza-Blancheteau., C., Tighe-Neira, R. 2021. Comparison of composting dynamics of bovine manure, equine manure, and new shoots of Ulex europaeus L. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science.
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