Publicaciones 2013
Dantagnan P, Bórquez A, Pavez C, Hernández A (2013) Feeding omega-3 PUFA enriched rotifers to Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842) larvae reared at different salinity conditions: effects on growth parameters, survival and fatty acids profile. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 41(3): 404-411.
Reyes-Cerpa S, Gonzalez-Bown M J, Carrasco-Malio A, Dantagnan P, Hernández A, Rodriguez U, Bórquez A, Vidal R, Spencer E, Sandino AM (2013) Antioxidant and immunostimulant evaluation of functional feed in Atlantic salmon under overcrowding stress. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 34 (6): 1733-1734.
Hernández A, Roman D, Hooft J, Cofre C, Cepeda V, Vidal R (2013) Growth perfomance and expression of immune-regulatory genes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) juveniles fed extruded diets with varying levels of lupin (Lupinus albus) peas (Pisum sativum) and rapeseed (Brassica napus). Aquaculture Nutrition 19 (3): 321-332.
Hernández A, Satoh S, Kiron V (2013) The effect of citric acid supplementation on growth perfomance, phosphorus absorption and retention in rainbow trout (Oncorrhynchus mykiss) fed a low fishmeal diet. Ciencia e Investigación Agraria 40 (2): 397-410.
Vega R, Dantagnan P, Mardones A, Valdebenito I, Zamorano J, Encina F (2013) Biological bases for whitebait culture Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842): a review. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 41 (3): 369-386.
Figueroa E, Risopatron J, Sanchez R, Isachenko E, Merino O, Isachenko V, Valdebenito I (2013) Spermatozoa vitrification of sex-reversed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Effect of seminal plasma on physiological parameters. Aquaculture 237: 119-126.
Roldan B, Sanchez R, Ubilla A, Figueroa E, Valdebenito I (2013) Study of the first blastomeres in Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Zygote 21 (2): 151-157.
Effer B, Figueroa E, Augsburger A, Valdebenito I (2013) Sperm biology of Merluccius australis: sperm estrucuture, semen characteristics and effects oh pH, temperature and osmolatity on sperm motility. Aquaculture 408: 147-151.
Ormeño D, Romero F, López Fenner J, Avila A, Martines Torres A, Parodi J (2013) Ethanol reduces amyloid aggregation In vitro and prevents toxicity in cell lines. Archives of Medical Research 44 (1): 1-7.
Inostroza-Blancheteau C, Aquea F, Loyola R, Slovin J, Josway S, Rengel Z, Reyes-Díaz M, Alberdi M, Arce-Johnson P (2013) Molecular characterisation of a calmodulin gene, VcCaM1, that is differentially expressed under aluminium stress in highbush blueberry. Plant Biology 15 (6): 1013-1018.
Alvarez Viveros MF, Inostroza-Blancheteau C, Timmermann T, Gonzalez M, Arce-Johnson P (2013) Overexpression of Glyl and Glyll genes in transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) plants confers salt tolerance by decreasing oxidate stress. Molecular Biology Reports 40 (4): 3281-3290.
Ribera A, Ribera A, Inostroza-Blancheteau C, Cartes P, Rengel Z, Mora ML (2013) Early induction of Fe-SOD gene expression is involved in tolerance to Mn toxicity in perennial ryegrass. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 73: 77-82.
Ratto M, Silva M, Huanca W, Huanca T, Adams GP (2013) Induction of superovulation in South American camelids. Animal Reproduction Science 136: 164-169.
Norambuena MC, Silva M, Urra F, Ulloa-Leal C, Fernández A, Adams GP, Huanca W, Ratto MH (2013) Effects of nutritional restriction on metabolic, endocrine, and ovarian function in llamas (Lama glama). Animal Reproduction Science 138(3-4): 252-260.
Arias R, Velásquez A, Marcelo T (2013) Simulation of nitrogen efficiency of Chilean grass-fed systems. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria 45 (2): 125-134.
Tuemmers C, Lüders C, Rojas C, Serri M, Espinoza R, Castillo C (2013) Prevalencia de leptospirosis en perros vagos capturados en la ciudad de Temuco, 2011. Revista Chilena de Infestología 30 (3): 252-257.
Tuemmers C, Lueders C, Rojas C, Serri M, Castillo C, Espinoza R (2013) Detection of Brucella canis by immunochromatography method in vague dogs captured in Temuco city, Chile (2011) Revista Chilena de Infectologia 30 (4): 395-401.
Ortloff A, Jara-Penailillo A, Albornoz-Munoz S, Silva-Riveros R, Riquelme-Gatica MP, Pena-Rehbein P (2013) Primer reporte en Chile de Chysomya albiceps (Diptera; Calliphoridae) en evidencia entomológica forense. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria 45 (1): 83-89.
Ortloff A, Vio K, Guerra M; Jaramillo K, Kaehne T, Jones H, McAllister JP, Rodriguez E (2013) Role of the subcommissural organ in the pathogenesis of congenital hydrocephalus in the HTx rat”. Cell and Tissue Research 352 (3): 707-725.
Pena-Rehbein P, Ruiz K, Ortloff A, Pizarro MI, Navarrete C (2013) Hematological changes in Eleginops maclovinus during an experimental Caligus rogercresseyi infestation. Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinaria 22 (3): 402-406.
Ogura T, Hernández A, Aizawa T, Ogihara J, Sunairi M, Alcaino J, Salvo-Garrido H, Maureira-Butler I (2013) Identification of a low digestibility δ-conglutin in yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.) seed meal for atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) by coupling 2D-PAGE and mass spectrometry. Plos One 8 (11): e80369.
Castillo C, Morales A, Rubio R, Barea JM, Borie F (2013) Interacctions between native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phospate solubilizing fungi and their effect to improve plant development and fruit production by Capsicum annuun L. African Journal of Microbiology Research 7 (26): 3331-3340.
Velásquez A, Arias R (2013) Effect of substrate on the in vitro protein digestibility of extracts generated by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ciencia en Investigación Agraria 40 (3): 500-511.
Mardones Lazcano A, Augsburger Alberto, Vega R, de Los Ríos-Escalante P (2013) Growth rates of Haliotis rufescens and Haliotis discus hannai in tank culture systems in southern Chile (41.5ºS). Latin American Journal Aquatic Research 41(5): 957-967.
De Los Ríos-Escalante P, Mardones Lazcano A (2013) Ecology of the malacostracans of northern Chilean Island waters. Crustaceana 86 (12): 1511-1519.